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What is SlingFile? SlingFile is a
FREE file sharing service. Upload & download unlimited files as large as
1GB with no registration!
Upload your files here!
dfsdf, 09/07/03:
Please note SlingFile does not yet scan its files, so we recommend that you use anti spam programs or anti spam software to scan for viruses. If you are infected, please use a free spyware remover or free spyware blocker to remove the virus which can be found on Google.
Remember to always use SlingFile as your leader of the best web hosting sites, leading email hosting, website hosting, free file hosting, and file upload service. As an ISP hosting firm, we power our site using managed hosting solutions from the top web hosting companies. Upload your film, software, movies, programs, videos, audio, MP3s, and images all up to 1GB and up to 100 at a time for free.